Friday, November 14, 2014

What is an In-between Machine?

I apologize for the quality. This is more of a preview of what's to come (a tease so to speak). I've created a comic story for my thesis, this being the first issue: How to represent the interstitial (the in-between machine). In the next couple of days, I will set up the comic so it is easier to be read, but expect more out of Mr.White,Black and Gray. Their adventure isn't close to being over...

(Funny) Stuff

Check out this article I wrote last year for another website I was a part of. I attempted to investigate the connection between stand-up comics and post-modernist architecture. I think it's quite funny, do you?

Archi-stuff-ture Introductions (kinda...)

Welcome, (to what seems to be the obligatory blog that most master's student create during their thesis year) to Archi-stuff-ture. So lets just skip all the small talk and get right to business, shall we... This blog is an outlet for my mind as I continue working on my thesis over the next two semesters ( I might add that I am attending the University of Detroit Mercy, that parts a little important). Hopefully in the end I will have a sound and coherent project, but this blog will be a testament to the insanity and craziness it will take for me to reach that destination. As I work and wonder, I will post: content I have created, thoughts I have been thinking about, and anything that might be related to architecture in general. In the end, this blog will showcase (most) the work I will do for master's year. Hopefully I can bring it all together in the end ( I think I can...sort of). Without further ado, please enjoy...whatever this is gonna be!

Rigid Structure :: Fluid Movement

These are my ramblings about my thesis as I produce new work. Hopefully you can make sense of this, because I'm sure as hell having a hard time understanding it myself (haha)

Philosopher (and hero) Delueze talks about the striated and smooth space in his book, A Thousand Plateaus. These three images above were a quick study at these two concepts. The striated space representing a pre-existing structured system, (such as a government, hierarchy or the city) while the smooth space is more like an avenue of alternative thinking. The object of the sketch problem was to take a structured system, a grid, and then create folds within that system. The folds are a new way of thinking of the grid and with that, new modes of interaction start to occur. When flattened and collapsed on themselves, they start to show new lines of flight, which begin to talk on an architectonic level. As I continue my thesis, this mode of research will begin to [re]structure a new way of seeing the interstitial. (more images like this to come...)

Words Words Words Type Poster

Something I had to do for class. A "type" poster working with different fonts and type faces to create something more interesting. Hopefully you think the same. Another one is on the way, this time working with the "in between"...whatever that means. (hopefully comics!)