Friday, November 14, 2014

Archi-stuff-ture Introductions (kinda...)

Welcome, (to what seems to be the obligatory blog that most master's student create during their thesis year) to Archi-stuff-ture. So lets just skip all the small talk and get right to business, shall we... This blog is an outlet for my mind as I continue working on my thesis over the next two semesters ( I might add that I am attending the University of Detroit Mercy, that parts a little important). Hopefully in the end I will have a sound and coherent project, but this blog will be a testament to the insanity and craziness it will take for me to reach that destination. As I work and wonder, I will post: content I have created, thoughts I have been thinking about, and anything that might be related to architecture in general. In the end, this blog will showcase (most) the work I will do for master's year. Hopefully I can bring it all together in the end ( I think I can...sort of). Without further ado, please enjoy...whatever this is gonna be!

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